Computer-controlled machining

Follow Up:


Group assignment

  • test runout alignment, speeds, feeds, and toolpaths for your machine
  • Test the kerf (what is removed) = are the dimensions the same as planned.
  • Test the runout: The difference between what has been removed and the tool size
  • Experiment with tool paths

Ie. Cut and measure a square

Individual assignment

  • make something big



DIY: Machines that make:


  • Rigid foam insulation (gesso, heat gun) (make forms, that can be transfered to other materials)
  • Veneer plywood
  • Medium density fiberboard (MDF)
    • Anbefales ikke, støvpartiklerne er usunde
  • Medium density overlay (MDO)
  • Oriented strand board (OSB)
    • Billigere end krydsfiner, lidt kantet efter milling
    • Focus for this week
  • High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
    • On route cut, r
  • Lexan, polycarbonate
    • Bulletpro
  • Garolite
  • Aluminum
    • Possible with shopbot, but procedure is essential.

Drill bits vs router bits vs end mills

Drill bits cut down,

End bits to flatten (can cut down)


Single: Brings chips up, a lot of material quickly

4 flute: Can remove less, but each takes a smaller cut - a smoother surface

up/down cut

Down cut mill: pushes down:

Nice clean edge on top, but bad on the buttom

Tip: Combine a shallow down cut, deep up cut.

Center-cutting or non center cutting

Center can go straight down

Non-center can better remove

Flat/ball end

Flat: For flat surfaces

Ball for smooth 3D surfaces

Speeds and feeds

Too fast or too deep stresses the maschine, creates heat, can brake end mill (projectile).

Chip load: ~ 0.001-0.010" = feed rate (inches per minute) / (RPM x number of flutes)

cut depth: ~ tool diameter

step-over: ~ tool diameter/2


  • Vises
  • Clamps
  • Screws
  • Vacuum
  • Weights
  • Glue
    • For wax
  • Tape
  • Encapsulation

Sacrificial layers, squaring

Table facing

Squaring the machine


Tool paths:

Kerf: The material that is removed

Offset: How the center of the mill is offset to the design

Runout: The actual diameter cut is larger than the diameter of the tool.

Conventional, climb

Rough/finish cuts

Typically: 2 jobs: First rough, then fine.

High-speed, dry


Adaptive clearing: Goes deep and then cleares material to the sides = uses more of the tool.

Trochoidal: Skaber en mere ensartet chipstørrelse - reducerer stress og muliggør milling in harder materials such as aluminium.

Fusion indtænker forskellige tool paths

One-sided, two-sided, registration

2, 2.5, 3, 4, 3+2, 5 axis

Cut depth, clearance, collisions

Think about tool, collet and spindle.



Lead-in, -out

Test cuts, cutting air

simulation, prototyping

Toolpath software:

  • ShopBot VCarvePro
  • FeatureCAM
  • Mastercam
  • Fusion 360 - CAM-section
  • Omax Layout
  • Fab modules outline rough finish
  • Mods

file formats

  • .rml
  • .sbp
  • .g
  • .ord


  • Training
  • Cuts, burns, impacts, fires
  • Glasses, shoes, clothes og hair mp ikke hænge løst, gloves
  • Don't reach into a powered tool.
  • Emergency stop, assistance

Cut depth add .2mm (maybe more) to ensure it cuts through


Tool paths will be cut in orders

Change tool for separate tool paths

Save toolpath to file .sbp (save a v-crarve file for backup)

Move to USB, the move to hdd of the milling computer

Update X&Y axis

Update Z-axis, move to preferred, hit ok, hit ok,

Raise Z-axis

Update to user X&Y axis

Warm up spindle (takes 9 minutes).


New file


Thickness etc, then ok

Add edges from the ruler

File import

Move file

Add fillets:

  • Radius: 1/4 inch = 25,4/4/2 =3,1mm

It will show a checkmark

If not possible - join open vectors

Select all lines

Select Cut Profile

Set depth, tool

Add Tabs


Reser preview

Run preview



Selct tool path

Save, save to file, to removea

Warm spindle

Set Safe Z

3 safety buttom inside

Turn key

And extraction on

Close door

Reset x 2

Open software






Should be cleared before use

Collet clean from dust

Uneven plastic rim for tage collet

Ball nose


Flat nose


45 regeres

Bit should be a bit in, but one finger out

Bits from inventory:

1 34-152 ER 25 Collet - Inches 1/8 ID 39.90 39.90 USA 8466.10.0175

1 34-156 ER 25 Collet - Inches 1/4 ID 39.90 39.90 USA 8466.10.0175

1 34-164 ER 25 Collet - Inches 1/2 ID 39.90 39.90 USA 8466.10.0175

1 34-168 ER 25 Collet - Inches 5/8 ID 39.90 39.90 USA 8466.10.0175

end mills to go with regular shopbot (desktop can remove 1/2" end mills and extended length end mills): 0.00

2 64-012 1/8" Solid Carbide One Flute Downcut Super O Flute for Plastic, Wood, Aluminum, Solid Surface 38.70 77.40 USA 820900

2 65-012 1/8" Solid Carbide One Flute Upcut Super O Flute for Plastic, Wood, Aluminum, Solid Surface 36.70 73.40 USA 820900

5 52-240 1/8" Solid Carbide Two Flute Upcut for Wood and Soft Plastic 23.65 118.25 USA 820900

5 57-240 1/8" Solid Carbide Two Flute Downcut for Woods 23.65 118.25 USA 820900

2 52-280 1/4" Solid Carbide Two Flute Upcut for Wood and Soft Plastic 26.70 53.40 USA 820900

2 57-287 1/4" Solid Carbide Two Flute Downcut for Woods 30.75 61.50 USA 820900

1 57-367 1/2" Solid Carbide Two Flute Downcut for Woods 84.00 84.00 USA 820900

2 37-61 1/2" Carbide Tipped Two Flute Up-shear V Flute For V-Grooving or Beveling 90° for Plastics, Solid Surface, Composites, Laminated and Vaneered Materials 18.75 37.50 USA 820900

1 52-244BL 1/8" Solid Carbide Two Flute Upcut Ballnose (Extended Length) for Plastics, Solid Surface, Aluminum, and Wood 55.45 55.45 USA 820900

1 52-280BL 1/4" Solid Carbide Two Flute Upcut Ballnose (Extended Length) for Plastics, Solid Surface, Aluminum, and Wood 62.65 62.65 USA 820900

1 52-360BL 1/2" Solid Carbide Two Flute Upcut Ballnose (Extended Length) for Plastics, Solid Surface, Aluminum, and Wood 128.80 128.80 USA 820900

2 56-041 1/8" Solid Carbide Two Flute Straight V Flute for Composites, Hard and Soft Plastics, Solid Surface 26.25 52.50 USA 820900

2 56-082 1/4" Solid Carbide Two Flute Straight V Flute for Composites, Hard and Soft Plastics, Solid Surface 28.90 57.80 USA 820900

1 64-000 1/16" Solid Carbide One Flute Downcut Super O Flute for Plastic, Wood, Aluminum, Solid Surface 34.05 34.05 USA 820900

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