Group assignment
actuate and automate your machine
document the group project and your individual contribution
Modulbaseret design men ikke modulbaseret konstruktion.
Error budget for machines: Book pdf/Precision Machine Design Error Budget.pdf
The structural loop:
A stiff machine reduces error
Make it as small and stiff as possible
Tjek maskines specifikationer:
Vores maskine:
Kør frem og til bage
Control variants:
Feed forward og feed back - requires sensors.
Stepmotoren mister et step, hvis kraften overstiger Torque Force - derfor skal motoren bruges konservativt. There is no feedback and it is thous a open loop system.
En feed back motor, har en roterende encoder indbygget i motoren - så i stedet for at sende et antal skridt, bevæger stepmotoren til en position.
Our design can be based on sensors - and thus creating a closed loop.
Not just send data, data should come back.
Controlling the machine!
Difference between PRSstandard96 96x48x8in:
Bang Bang:
Slam it on - then slam it of, when it is at desired position - might overshoot desired position.
Proportional I D. Meassure the difference between where you are and where you want to be. If the error is large the output should be large.This adds stress at the start of movement because
Differentiale: The derivitive term: The rate of change. Begrænser
Integrale: Holder styr på bevægelsens basislinjen
PID is the workforce of control, but it is still not good enough.
Model Predictive Control
Der er behov for accellerations- og decellerationsprofiler,
Kræver kendskab til hvor man er og hvor man skal hen.
Det betyder enten en matematisk model eller nødvendige sensorer, så
Machine Control - how you talk to the motor control:
G-code: En udbredt standard but with it's limitations.
Open SBP (ShopBot)
To interpret the code - need for an interpretor
Go from G-code to the steps
Needs to describe the machine - is the machine square, rotary etc.
Transition from machine control to motion control
Any changes to the machine, should be changed in the interpretor. -Makes it unable to make modular machines.
No motion happens faster than a millisecond. - but our microprocessors can do calculations 10.000 times faster.
Network Connected Axis makes it possible to leave out the intepretor.
The computer sends out packages which each microprocesser converts to motion in it's own axis.
Each axis has to be in sync, by either:
Pololu -
Standard board for controlling machines
Stepper Controller
Ramps -
A Pololu shield
Configuring and compilation:
Bed Auto Leveling\#instructions-for-configuring-bed-auto-leveling
Servo or Sled Option